Seattle as a whole was a hot, sweaty mess yesterday. At 11:30 last night the local weatherman was still running around outside with his giant thermometer to report that it was still 84 degrees outside. Ugh. Most Seattlites are not meant for hot weather, and neither are our apartments. Even though we had on the ceiling fan, an oscillating fan, a stationary fan, a window fan, and an air conditioner (not the right type for our window, so you'll have to visualize some cardboard and duct tape to make it "fit" into the window) all setup in our livingroom, it was still the same temperature inside as it was outside.
It was getting close to bedtime, so I decided to jimmy-rig some "walls" to close-off the kitchen and hallway in hopes of creating an arctic oasis in the livingroom. I not so daintily climbed up on the kitchen stool and hung up an old sheet and a hand-decorated, elephant showe
r curtain (one of my many unfinished art projects) . It looked a little ghetto, but seemed to help. I was worried that I would have to keep chasing one of our cats, Mookie, away from the sheet. I knew that through her little kitty eyes it looked like the world's largest (and most comfy) kitty hammock. I then brought out every extra blanket in the place to create a "mattress" for myself in the middle of the floor
and settled into channel surfing to pass the time. Finally, around 12:30 am, I set the timer on the TV and draped a small corner of a light-weight blanket across my rear end, and closed my eyes. (I can't fall asleep without a blanket on my tush. I don't know if this is something my mom did as part of my bedtime routine during my early, formative years, or just something weird I've picked-up along the way...anyone else have the same issue?) Anyway, I took a couple deep breaths and tried to sink into sleepy time, but somewhere in the distance I heard strange noises. I tried to ignore them, but finally decided that either I was going crazy or there was something going on outside...
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