I recently met up with a friend of mine who spent the last three years teaching in Thailand. Now that she's back, she's decided to, "Give the photography thing a try," and has started her own photography business. (
http://www.clearlykatie.com/) It was so inspirational to hear how she is following her dream, while not taking it too seriously and getting way uptight about it...or at least that's how she made it seem. :)
Anyway, our conversation got me thinking again about, "What I want to be when I grow up."
You see, I like teaching, but I don't love it. I find that I take home too much work, both mentally and physically, and that I don't think I'll ever be the amazing, creative teacher I know I could be
because I've got too many kids in
the class and not enough classroom support.
So, I've been replaying what my friend said and trying to figure out what I could give a try. "I think I'll give ____________ a try."
But the thing is, I don't know what my "Blank" should be!
I have lots of ideas; some of them are time consuming, some are creative, some require more schooling, some come with low stress, and others with a pay cut. Some require working in the summer, while others cost money to start up. I made a pro/con list for my ideas, but I still don't know what my "Blank" should be.
Any ideas for narrowing down the possibilities? How do I find a job that I LOVE, not just
like? And for those of you out there that do love your jobs, what makes your job so great?
-Pigtailed Teacher